"Nightcrawler" (2014): Directed by Dan Gilroy, "Nightcrawler" showcased Jake Gyllenhaal's mesmerizing performance as a morally ambiguous freelance crime journalist

"Sherlock Holmes" (2009): Directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr. as the iconic detective, "Sherlock Holmes" breathed new life into the legendary character.

"Atonement" (2007)Based on Ian McEwan's acclaimed novel. "Atonement" received critical acclaim, earning multiple Academy Award nominations.

Men in Black" (1997):the film became a huge success, spawning a franchise and showcasing Smith's charisma and comedic timing.

Pulp Fiction" (1994)With its stylish direction, sharp dialogue, and stellar performances from an ensemble cast, the movie became an instant classic, earning critical acclaim and multiple Academy Award nominations.
